Complete 3 rounds of each circuit. The assigned repetitions are listed on each exercise.
Chest and Abs:
- 20 plank to push up with knee to elbow (start in a plank, bring your knee up to your elbow one side at a time, go up to a push up position and bring your knee to your elbow one side at a time, go back down to plank knee to elbow, etc.)
- 20 alternating jack knife
- 20/side donkey kicks over the medicine ball
- 10 dragon walks
- 15 lat pull down
- 15/leg split squat/spasov squat
- 25 low back extensions on the stability ball
- 15/leg 1-leg dumbbell dead lift
- 15 stability ball push up to crunch
- 15/side scissor kicks with a twist
- 15/side side plank with knee crunch