
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We Like to Party! {The Birthday Workout}

We have started a birthday tradition in our workout group over this past year.  When it is someone's birthday they are given a super hard workout as their present!  It's a wonderful idea, don't you think?!  It's almost like we are sticking it to the aging process and saying that a bigger number on paper doesn't mean anything.  It could also represent the start to a strong and healthy year!
Well, this last week was MY birthday, so of course I couldn't let anyone down and had to make it a tough one.  I had already completed 2 hours of cardio (exactly what I wanted to do on my day.... I know, call me crazy), and was ready for a good, hard weight training circuit with my workout group.  Let's just say I didn't dissapoint!  ;) 
So on your big day, here is my birthday gift to you! 

{The Birthday Workout}

  • Complete each exercise for 1 minute with 10-15 seconds recover in between
  • Complete 3 sets of each circuit
Circuit #1
Dumbbell plank walks

Dumbbell squat to shoulder press
Medicine ball berry picker slams
Lat Pulldown
Squat pulley to upright row
Circuit #2
Hops to squat over the BOSU ball
Burpees with a hop on the step
Stability Ball pushup w crunch
Medicine ball high knee with foot taps
Plank with knee taps

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