
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Training like CRAZY style

"Things aren't always as they seem."  If you're like me, you've learned this the hard way.  So just to clarify, even though there hasn't been a workout posted here for a while doesn't mean we haven't been doing them!!.... I've actually been super busy doing A LOT of them.  I've been training peeps like CRAZY style! (Good Ole New Year Resolutions) I just haven't made time to put them on the blog. Excuses, excuses.... I know. So I'll just say, "Sorry."  So here is the workout we did this Monday....aaaaand it was pretty awesome!  Enjoy!

Complete 3 rounds of each circuit. 
Complete each exercise for 1 minute with 15 second recovery time between each. 

Circuit #1

  • Walking lunges with shoulder press/bicep curl (switch half way)
  • Feet off the Stability Ball
  • Pulley alternating chest press
  • Football drill - quick feet then drop down to a push-up every 10 seconds

Circuit #2
  • Plate drags
  • Hot potato squats
  • Push-up with alternating plate slide
  • 1 leg reverse lunge to hop (switch legs halfway)

  • Medicine Ball slam burpees
  • Squat w/ straight arm overhead plate raise
  • Plank walks
  • Squat jacks