
Monday, March 23, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday

Defintion: showing wild and apparently deranged excitement and energy

Just another Manic Monday?  I'd say that's about right.... I'm sure we all have our opinion about Mondays, and I'm guessing the majority of them are not super positive.  I probably fall somewhere in the middle.  I'm sad the weekend is over, but excited to hit it hard at the gym and make up for my day off (I don't workout on Sundays).  So I do love my Monday workouts, and today was no exception, as this one was Manic! Enjoy the burn!

40 repetition of each:

  • Squat with shoulder press
  • Speed skaters (20/side)
  • Alternating reverse lunge with bicep curl 
  • Box Jump
  • Plank to Pushup
  • Front plank with step out (40/side)
  • 1- arm row (40/side)
  • Lunge jumps
  • Berry Pickers (40/side)

***If 40 repetitions are too many for you, or you are just beginning, try for 20 or 30 repetitions on each exercise.  Just make sure you push yourself.  You've got this!

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