
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Legs and Abs Mixer

If my first thought at the conclusion of my workout is, "This one is going on the blog", then I know it is definitely a good one!  So be excited for this one!

We have recently switched up our workout schedule to a 4-day split routine, hitting each muscle group twice a week.  This gives your muscles enough rest time to rebuild, so they will be ready to go again in 48 hours.

This workout focuses on legs and abs.  I'm sure it will leave you overly satisfied and enjoying the rest of your day all hyped up on endorphins!

Complete each exercise for 50 seconds with a 10 second rest in between each exercise.  Continue until you have completed 3 rounds for each circuit.  You can rest longer (1-2 minutes) in between each circuit. 

1.  Box squat jumps
     Feet of the medicine ball

2.  1-leg lunge to hop (25 seconds on one leg, then switch)
     Side frog hops

3.  Double crunches
     Squat jump to lunge jump

4.  Weighted overhead situps
     Treadmill Climbers

Complete 2-3 rounds of the following circuits.  Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, moving on to the next without any rest.  Rest for 30 seconds in between sets.

1. Knee to elbows
    Burpees (with a push-up and jump)
    Pause squats

2. Flutter kicks
    Berry pickers
    Plank step outs

3. In and out abs
    Squat jumps
    Reverse lunges

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