
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Going the Distance

This week has been a bit tough for workouts, feeling a little under the weather. My philosophy for exercising when sick has always been if you are sick from the neck up, then you are fine to exercise.  If your symptoms are from the neck down (flu-like symptoms, feeling achy, fever, pneumonia, stomach issues, etc.) then you should rest.

So.... we worked out this week :)   And I have to add, the best I feel all day is the couple hours after I exercise.  Endorphins are great.

Going the Distance Workout: named mostly for the amount of walking lunges you are going to do... I know, you love me.

Equipment needed: 1 dumbbell, 40 yards to run, lunge, and shuffle on

Complete 3 rounds of: 
1-arm DB squat to press - 15/side
40 yards of walking lunges
donkey kicks - 3 total
40 yard sprint

Complete 3 rounds of:
Squat hold with DB front raise- 20
40 yards of 10 dragon walks followed by a sprint
lunge jumps- 20
40 yards back pedal

Complete 3 rounds of:
DB overhead situp -20
40 yard side shuffle (switch direction half way)
1- arm burpee - 10 each arm
40 yard sprint

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