
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

15 Minute Calorie Killer

I know that many of us are super busy and often times we use this as an excuse to not get your workout in.  But with this workout, you can stop using that excuse and start getting results!
-Your Welcome

This workout uses a specific form of high intensity interval training (HIIT) called Tabata training.  Check out the link to the definition and background research on both of these terms.  But trust me, they are the answers to many of your fitness plateaus and weight loss frustrations.

Wikipedia definitions of HIIT and Tabata

Now on to the workout.  This includes 3 Tabata circuits- so prepare to get some work done!

1 Tabata circuit equals 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest periods.  This will be a total of 4 minutes

Tabata Circuit #1
8 rounds of:
20 seconds of Burpees (pushup and a jump)
10 seconds rest

After completion of 8 rounds (4 minutes) Rest 1-2 minutes

Tabata Circuit #2
8 rounds of:
20 seconds of Moutain Climbers
10 seconds rest

After completion of 8 rounds (4 minutes) Rest 1-2 minutes

Tabata Circuit #3
8 rounds of:
20 seconds of lunge jumps (I know... hate me now, love me later)
10 seconds rest

After this 15 minute workout you will be burning calories for the rest of the day... You're welcome!

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