
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Total body weight & treadmill workout- You need this one!

One of my favorite workouts- especially when I'm short on time- is an interval workout on the treadmill combined with some strength exercises.  I like to change up the work interval time, the number of exercises, and the time on the treadmill. 

Today we did some sprint work on the treadmill as the running time was only 1 minute.  The combined exercises were also pretty intense.  Needless to say... you should do it!

**This type of workout usually works best with a couple of workout buddies if the treadmill will stop if you are not using it.  If the treadmill will keep going while you are not on it, then go ahead and get 'er done alone. 

50 seconds - 1 minute work time/ 10-15 seconds recovery time

CIRCUIT #1 - Complete 3 rounds
  • Dumbbell alternating bent over rows
  • Sliding plate pikes  
    • (start in a pushup position with your feet on a weigted plate- we used a 25 lb. Using your core, slide the weight with your feet toward your hands, keeping your legs straight ending in a pike position with your butt in the air)
  • RUN

CIRCUIT #2 - Compete 3 rounds
  • Squat with 1-arm dumbbell shoulder press (switch arms halfway)
  • High knee foot taps (on bench or medicine ball)
  • RUN

CIRCUIT #3 - Complete 3 rounds
  • Mountain climbers
  • Hops over the box or a BOSU ball
    • (keep one foot on the box/BOSU ball at all times.  Press with that foot and jump over to the other side, switching the foot that is now on the box.)
  • RUN

Total exercise time: 30-40 minutes, depening on choosen work time and rest time. 

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