
Thursday, August 29, 2013

We Worked It!

Today we completed a challenging quick step ladder workout!  Everyone did awesome, and got the hang of the ladder drills in no time!... (such rhythm)  We even beat the rain storm.
The Workout:
Complete at least one round, but try for two!
Complete each ladder drill 4 times through.
For bodyweight and dumbbell exercise complete 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of recovery.
Ladder drills: 
2 feet each quick
2 feet in each high knees

1 arm DB swing exchange
T pushups
Ladder drills:
Sideways 2 feet each
Sideways 2 feet in each high knees

Overhead DB situps
Side burpees
Ladder drills:
Squat hops
Lateral scissor switch

Reverse lunge with 1 arm bicep curl
Plank to pushup

Ladder drills:
Side to side hops
Double trouble (in, in, out, out)
1 arm DB row
Smilies (Abs)

Ladder drills:
Hand walk
Icky shuffle
DB plank walks
2 Forward lunges, power jump

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