
Monday, January 13, 2014

Funday Monday

Have you ever stepped on the scale Monday morning and said to yourself, "Wow, I have a lot of work to do today!"...?  Well, that was me this morning.  Luckily, much of that Monday morning weight is usually water retention, and luckily after a hard workout, I am able to sweat a lot of it off.

As silly as it sounds, I love Monday workouts. They usually feel harder than other days after taking Sunday off, but at the same time, I usually make them harder since I took Sunday off.  After they are all over, I'm back on track and feeling good again.  (Gotta love those endorphins, right?!)  Here is a great "Funday Monday" workout to get your week started off on the right foot!

  • Complete each exercise for 1 minute with a 10-15 second recovery/transition in between exercises
  • Complete 3 rounds for each circuit.

Circuit #1
Dumbbell squat to press
Sideways hops over the box
Dumbbell plank walks

Circuit #2
Walking lunges with bicep curl
Forward split jumps on the box
Medicine Ball striders

Circuit #3
Plank on the stability ball with knee to elbow
Jump squats from seated position on box
Assisted pullups

Don't forget your cardio!!!  We've got calories to burn!

Yasso 800s
Complete an 800 meter run (pretty much 1/2 mile)
Recover with a jog or speed walk for the same amount of time it took you to complete the 800 run
** Try to complete at least 4, but do as many as you can.  Eventually try to complete 6-10.

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