
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Weight Training Circuit- Total Body

I love a good total body lift!  It's always a good feeling to have every muscle a little pumped and tightened.  The focus of this total body lift is to work multiple muscles in each exercise.  You'll also notice the third exercise in each circuit is more cardiovascular and more intense.  The goal is to get your heart rate up.  This way you can make the lift more metabolic and burn more calories by the time you are done.  Plus, you'll finish feeling like you worked out hard (aka workout satisfaction)!

Total Body Weight Training Workout

Complete 3 rounds of each circuit

15 Dumbbell squat to shoulder press
10 Dumbbell pushup to row
10 Bench squat jumps

20 Dumbbell hot potato squats
15 Stability ball pushup to crunch
15 BOSU burpees

10 Pullups
10/leg Walking lunges w bicep curl
1 minute -Medicine ball high knee taps

Dumbbell Squat to press
Dumbbell squat to press
Dumbbell pushup to row
Dumbbell pushup to row
Bench squat jump
Bench squat jump
Bench squat jump

Medicine Ball high knee taps
walking lunges with bicep curl
walking lunges with bicep curl
BOSU burpees

BOSU burpees
BOSU burpees
Stability Ball pushup to crunch
Stability ball pushup to crunch
Hot potato squats
Hot potato squats

Hot potato squats

15 Minute Workout

“I don’t have TIME to workout!”….  We hear it (and might even say it) all the time.   It's true that most of us are busy and some of us are SUPER busy, but I truly believe that we all can find 15 minutes in our day to workout out, at least on MOST days of the week.  So for those “15 minute days”, I give you the 15 minute workout:

15 Minute Workout:

1 minute jump rope

1 minute plank to pushup

1 minute high knees

1 minute burpees

1 minute bicycle crunch

1 minute squat hold with punches

1 minute push-ups




Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sprint Intervals.... FAST is FIT

If you want to burn the most calories per minute possible, sprinting is at the top of the list!  Of course you can't just sprint for your entire 30 minute or hour workout, but you can do INTERVALS! 

Sprinters are some of the leanest athletes out there because they do sprint intervals (i.e. this is how they train).  Of course to get the muscularity they have, they are combining their running workouts with some serious weight training. 

ALSO.... if you play any sports and don't want to lose your competitive edge, sprint intervals are a great training tool. 

I try to do some type of sprint intervals as a part of my weekly training.  This is the running section of my workout today.  Good Luck!!!

Let's TORCH some Calories
  • 7 miles total: 
    • 1 mile warmup
    • 6 x 200 yard sprints (on a treadmill I run .15 of a mile to represent a 200 yard run, because it takes some time for the treadmill to speed up
    • 4 x 400 yard sprints (about .25 of a mile)
    • 2 x 800 yard sprints (about .5 of a mile)

  • For the recovery jogs in between each sprint, complete the same distance that you just sprinted. For example, after a 200 yard sprint (.15 of a mile), jog- or walk if you need to- for 200 yards (.15) before you sprint the next 200 yards.
  • Jog or walk for the remaining .2 of a mile left at the end of the workout as your cool down, to complete a total of 7 miles.

Monday, January 20, 2014

You'll "like" this one.... when it's over!

Today's workout was top notch!  We were all pretty much exhausted when we finished.  We often do what I like to call a "treadmill workout", but today I wanted to mix up the normal regimen.  When we were all done, someone commented, "I know it's a good workout when I can't finish it."  And my reply was, "I love it when you give it your all!" 

So give this all you've got and enjoy the burn!

The "You'll LIKE This One" Workout:
  • Total workout time: 40-45 minutes
  • Complete each exercise for 30 seconds followed by 10 seconds of recovery time. Complete the exercise 4 times in a row.
    • Total time should be 2 minutes and 30 seconds before moving on to the run.
  • Run for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • Adjust your running speed according to your fitnesss level. Try to run at 75-85% of your maximal effort.
High knees
       - Run
       - Run
Jump Squats
       - Run
Situps w punches
       - Run
Donkey kicks
       - Run
Mountain Climbers
       - Run
Weighted BOSU crunches
       - Run

Monday, January 13, 2014

Funday Monday

Have you ever stepped on the scale Monday morning and said to yourself, "Wow, I have a lot of work to do today!"...?  Well, that was me this morning.  Luckily, much of that Monday morning weight is usually water retention, and luckily after a hard workout, I am able to sweat a lot of it off.

As silly as it sounds, I love Monday workouts. They usually feel harder than other days after taking Sunday off, but at the same time, I usually make them harder since I took Sunday off.  After they are all over, I'm back on track and feeling good again.  (Gotta love those endorphins, right?!)  Here is a great "Funday Monday" workout to get your week started off on the right foot!

  • Complete each exercise for 1 minute with a 10-15 second recovery/transition in between exercises
  • Complete 3 rounds for each circuit.

Circuit #1
Dumbbell squat to press
Sideways hops over the box
Dumbbell plank walks

Circuit #2
Walking lunges with bicep curl
Forward split jumps on the box
Medicine Ball striders

Circuit #3
Plank on the stability ball with knee to elbow
Jump squats from seated position on box
Assisted pullups

Don't forget your cardio!!!  We've got calories to burn!

Yasso 800s
Complete an 800 meter run (pretty much 1/2 mile)
Recover with a jog or speed walk for the same amount of time it took you to complete the 800 run
** Try to complete at least 4, but do as many as you can.  Eventually try to complete 6-10.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Best of Both Worlds- Lift HEAVY

I agree, trying to map out the perfect workout schedule can be challenging.  I am often asked questions like "How often should I lift versus do cardio?" "How many reps should I do with how much weight?" 

Depending on your goals and your body type, the answers to all these questions will be different and ever changing.  There is much science to back up the answers to these questions that I will save for a later day.  The focus at hand, instead, is the importance of lifting heavy no matter your goals.  Of course the volume of heavy lifting will change based on your goals, but it should be included at one point or another. 

I personally try to lift heavy about once a week, making sure to hit my major muscle groups of legs, back, chest, and core.  Lifting heavy will rev up your metabolism, strengthen connective tissue, and provide your body the opportunity for progression (just to name a few). 

I like to include a HIIT series at the end of this workout to increase my heart rate up and burn some extra calories. If you have the time and are feeling like a champ, try the BONUS HIIT too!

"Lift HEAVY" workout:

5 minute warm up
  • Perform the first set as a warm up set at about 60-80% of the weight you are going to use for your heavier 3 sets. 
  • Perform 12-15 reps on the first set and then increase the weight and do 8-10 reps on the remaining 3 sets. 
  • Perform the 2 exercises listed back to back with little rest in between.

Barbell Squat
DB Bench press

Lat Pulldown
Barbell Deadlift

Incline DB Bench
Decline weigted situp

Bent over Barbell Row
Decline leg raises

1 leg spasov squat
DB bicep curl to shoulder press

4 minute HIIT- Burpees with a jump (no pushup)
8 rounds of: 20 seconds on, 10 second recover

4 minute HIIT- Squat Jacks
8 rounds of: 20 seconds on, 10 second recover

Now Enjoy the Swoll!

Monday, January 6, 2014

All You Need is a Jump Rope

YAY!  You are going on vacation!.... but wait, no gym?!  This is when I start to ask myself, "Can I run everyday for a whole week?"  "What am I going to do for my workout?"  This is where the vacation idea is maybe not quite so appealing.... I know I'm crazy.

We've all had this conversation in our head at one time or another.  Maybe it wasn't due to the opportunity of a vacation (sorry to get your hopes up).  Maybe it was a work trip, staying with friends or family, or just not making the trip to the gym.  Whatever the case, you don't have access to the basic equipment for a fitness guru like yourself. 

Well, for those instances, I have saved the day (or week)!  All you need is a jump rope!  It is cheap, easy to store, and will fit in your suitcase quit nicely.  Plus, it can still provide you with a great workout- and include variety!

P.S. This saved me over the Christmas holiday.

All You Need is a Jump Rope Workout:

Complete each exercise for 1 minute.  Alternate each exercise with 1 minute of jump rope.  Rest time will depend on your fitness level, but rest as little as possible in between exercise.  (suggestion 0-30 seconds)

Circuit #1
Jump rope
Jump rope
Plank knee to elbow
Jump rope
Lunge jumps
Jump rope
Plank to pushup

**Complete 2-3 rounds

Circuit #2
Speed skater hops
Jump rope
Shoulder pushups
Jump rope
flutter kicks
Jump rope
Burpees with a pushup and jump
Jump rope
mountain climbers
Jump rope

**Complete 2-3 rounds

13 Benefits of Strength Training

Happy New Year! 

For one reason or another, there are many people who have not yet embraced weight lifting. I hope a little more encouragement and knowledge will do the trick.  And for those of you who have seen the light, I hope this information will add fuel to your fire!

The benefits of weight lifting are huge!  It’s not all about how you look (although that will improve too), but also how you feel.  The full article is located in the link provided below.  Check out all the reasons strength training should be a key part of your workout routine.

1. Muscle Fights Fat

2. Reduce Depression Symptoms

3. Fight Osteoporosis

4. Be Better at Your Sport

5. Improve Mobility

6. Lower Your Diabetes Risk

7. Better Heart Health

8. Better Blood Sugar Control

9. Prevents Back Pain

10. Improved Balance

11. Ladies, It Won't Make You Bulky

12. It Will Make You Mentally Stronger

13. You'll Look Better

Check out the full article here: