
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Weight Training Circuit- Total Body

I love a good total body lift!  It's always a good feeling to have every muscle a little pumped and tightened.  The focus of this total body lift is to work multiple muscles in each exercise.  You'll also notice the third exercise in each circuit is more cardiovascular and more intense.  The goal is to get your heart rate up.  This way you can make the lift more metabolic and burn more calories by the time you are done.  Plus, you'll finish feeling like you worked out hard (aka workout satisfaction)!

Total Body Weight Training Workout

Complete 3 rounds of each circuit

15 Dumbbell squat to shoulder press
10 Dumbbell pushup to row
10 Bench squat jumps

20 Dumbbell hot potato squats
15 Stability ball pushup to crunch
15 BOSU burpees

10 Pullups
10/leg Walking lunges w bicep curl
1 minute -Medicine ball high knee taps

Dumbbell Squat to press
Dumbbell squat to press
Dumbbell pushup to row
Dumbbell pushup to row
Bench squat jump
Bench squat jump
Bench squat jump

Medicine Ball high knee taps
walking lunges with bicep curl
walking lunges with bicep curl
BOSU burpees

BOSU burpees
BOSU burpees
Stability Ball pushup to crunch
Stability ball pushup to crunch
Hot potato squats
Hot potato squats

Hot potato squats

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